A Message On Staying Healthy

Based on the best expert advice from the CDC, WHO and epidemiologists I will continue to keep my physical practice closed in order to slow the spread of Covid 19. Because of the fluid nature of the situation I will be updating you periodically with resources and clinic schedule changes.
Besides the WHO's excellent advice I would like to share you with a few fundamental practices to help you maintain and possibly improve your health.
Sleep: Spring is the time to go to bed early and awake with the sun. Following the natural progression of the season will improve your neurological and immune systems. Make sure you get at least 8 hours a night. For more on the subject see Matt Walker's fun talk.
Eat: Seasonal foods including: light soups, bone broth, sprouts, fermented foods, greens, onions, garlic and ginger which all support your immune system. Avoid all sugars and processed foods which can suppress your immune system, increase inflammation and lead to compulsive eating. read or listen to Good Food for Hard times.
Play: Flip the script and physically distance and socially connect. Get outside during the day and keeping at least 6 feet apart, walk with neighbors, friends or family. Use a headset and telegarden. Also use telepresence to play games in the evening like farkle, Yahtzee or Trivia.
Herbs: Chinese herbal formulas have been a integral part of treating epidemics including Covid-19 in China. Although it is to soon to determine how effective they where in stopping the spread of the virus, they where effective enough to warrant the Italian governments acceptance of them in combating Covid-19. I carry a few formulas for the prevention and treatment of colds and Flu. If you are interested in purchasing the right herbal formulas for your health please email me to set up a date and time for a online herbal consult. I charge $40 plus the cost of herbs and mailing..
Moxa: Moxa is a traditional technique using the dried and processed herb Artamesia Vulgaris (Mugwort), rolled into small cones. Moxa is burned over specific acupuncture points to warm and stimulate the acupoints and strengthening the immune, endocrine, digestive and nervous systems. Acupoint Stomach 36 on each lower leg when stimulated has been shown to increase white blood cell count (immune system). To stimulate the points first choose a comfortable, well ventilated room and locate and mark the acupoints. Next place a moxa cone sticky side down on the marks. Then light the top tip of the moxa with incense or lighter taking care not to scorch your hair or skin. Allow the moxa to burn all the way down and repeat 3 times on each leg once a day for up to 5 days. If the moxa becomes too hot remove it quickly to prevent blistering. place used moxa bases in a ceramic bowl, let cool completely and discard. Concerning the burning dangers of moxa I once asked one of my teachers about this and she sardonically replied, "How often do you see people or hear them complain about burning their lips and fingers smoking?" However, if you are allergic or sensitive to the smoke try using a hot blow-dryer alternating between the points for about 5-10 minutes again taking care not to burn your skin. This is not as effective and somewhat noisy but better than nothing.
Qigong: The health benefits of Qigong have been well cited. The following Qigong video from a teacher at my school, OCOM, specifically helps the immune system.
Be well!
Collin Stoll
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