Vitamin D and COVID 19: What we know so far

What is vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a necessary vitamin needed to keep your bones healthy. Calcium, which is the primary building block of bones, can only be absorbed when vitamin D is present.
More and more we are finding that vitamin D also plays a role in pain, immunity, inflammation, mental health and energy.
Unfortunately, vitamin D is not found naturally in most foods. The majority of the vitamin D we get is through sun exposure. And as we know living in Oregon, we don’t get much of that!
Who is deficient in vitamin D?
It is estimated that 40% or more of the US population is low in vitamin D. This may be even higher in more northern populations such as Oregon.
Can vitamin D help to prevent COVID 19?
While there is more data needed to determine whether vitamins D can protect against COVID 19, early data seems to show that there is an association between low vitamin D and increased risk for both infection and more severe disease. As such, it seems reasonable that supplementation to keep vitamin D levels in a normal range may be helpful.
What can I do?
The NIH reccomends intake of 400-800 IU's of vitamin D3 per day based on age. Many individuals may require higher doses to reach a normal range, particularly in more nothern climates. Checking vitamin D levels can help to identify deficiency and allow monitoring to confirm that adequate levels have been reached. Always speak with your personal physician before beginning a supplement of any kind. If you're interested in learning more, please contact us online at www.swfamilyphysicians.com or call at 503.620.5556.
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