You Deserve to Smell the Roses - Tips & Tricks on How to Manage Your Allergies This Season!

Spring Cleaning Your Sinuses…
The first line of defense that may come to mind is to start on an over the counter allergy medication such as Zyrtec (Cetirizine), Claritin (Loratidine), Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) or even Fluticasone (Flonase). These can all be helpful, and yes, feel free to start there! In addition to this, start doing a nasal wash twice daily. It may sound ‘gross’, but believe us, once you start seeing all the gunk that comes out, you’ll become a believer too. Plus, what doesn’t feel better than clearing out that nasal passage that’s been clogged up all day?
…And Your Home!
What many people may not think about doing though is addressing their home environments. Keep the dust and allergens low in your home. For example, if you have carpet, vacuum often, and if it’s hardwood, sweep and mop a few times a week. Make sure those frames on the walls, TV’s, nooks and crannies don’t get overlooked and dust, dust, dust!
In your bedroom, change your pillow case at least two to three times a week and change those bed sheets routinely too. Most people spend at least 6-8 hours every night with their heads on a pillow just breathing in all those little allergens and doing something as simple as changing out the case can help greatly reduce them. Putting your whole pillow into a hot dryer for 30 mins once a month (unless it’s synthetic/latex type) helps kill the dust mites that are inside and close to your face through the whole night.
If you have pets, try to keep them out of your bed! Look into getting an air purifier or a humidifier as well for your room. Managing your allergies is maintenance, but you can do it!
If after trying all of these tips and tricks you are still suffering, come by to see your provider and let them help you get to the bottom of it. You deserve to go outside and enjoy those roses this season!
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